China plays a key role in setting G20 agenda
By John Ross (People's Daily Online) 09:24, September 04, 2016The G20 summit meets against the backdrop of two interrelated global issues.First,since theinternational financial crisis global growth has been slow. Second, asa result social andgeopolitical crises have persisted. China’s proposals for the G20 summit – an innovative,invigorated, interconnected and inclusive economy –simultaneously and in an integrated wayaddress both issues.
China’s four proposals are inseparably connected:
Innovation, in technology and in management, logistics, skills and ideas, is indispensable forsustained economic development.
But innovation purely in ideas is insufficient to lead to sustained economic development.Advances in ICT technology, for example, had to be embodied in investment in internet andcomputer technologyto produce productivity gains. Therefore, the global economy must beinvigorated through increased investment, new trade liberalisation agreements, new financialinstitutions such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and modifications in globaleconomic governance. This requires drawing on numerous resources in global economy andfinance.
Development is most powerful if internationally integrated. Since Adam Smithfounded moderneconomics it has been known that the most powerful force developing productivity is division oflabour, which in a globalised economy necessarily includes international division oflabour.Retreats into protectionism deeply damage the world economy. But advancinginternational division of labour requires not only legal trade and investment agreements butdevelopment of internationally integrated infrastructure making such trade possible andsupporting international investment. Such integration highlights the importance of China’s ‘OneBelt, One Road’initiative,while China supports economic integration in Africa, Latin America,Europe and elsewhere.
Development must be inclusive both between and withincountries.Failure of sections of theworld’s population to benefit from economic development is dangerous politically.Impoverishment of sections of the population and social disintegration has led to terroristorganisations gaining support, andin some cases open warfare, in parts of Africa and theMiddle East. Within advanced economies failure of parts of the population to gain fromeconomic growth strengthens protectionist and xenophobic forces which threaten globaleconomic integration and therefore global prosperity.
Success in developing innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive economic growthwill therefore lessen geopolitical and social tensions.
China is in an unequalled position to give leadership on this G20 agenda not only theoreticallybut due to China’s practical achievements in dealing both with the international financial crisisand over the longer term.From 2007, the last year before the financial crisis, to 2015 Chinaaccounted for 46% of world growth measured at current exchange rates – compared to 22%for the second placed US.China was the world economy’s most powerful engine to face theinternational financial crisis, benefitting both advanced and developing economies.
World Bank data shows 83% of the world’s population still lives in developing countries.Economic development therefore remains the most pressing issue facing humanity. China, theworld’s largest developing economy, increased its per capita GDP, the fundamental index ofeconomic development, from 2007 to 2015 by 86% - the fastest of any G20 country.
China playsa key G20 agenda setting role because, in addition to these shorter term anti-crisistrends, China’s historical economic and social achievements areunprecedented.From 1978onwards China experienced the most rapid economic growth in a major economy in humanhistory. China lifted 728 million people from World Bank defined poverty, 83% of the reductionof those living in poverty in the world. This is greatest contribution of any country to human well-being.
But despite theseachievements China’s stress on integrated inclusive growth means China hasno conception it can successfully develop alone. Instead China advocates strengthening theG20’s role. G20 economies account for 85% of world GDP, including the largest advanced anddeveloping economies. The G20 is therefore provides an unequalled forum to coordinatemeasures to deal with the world’s most pressing economic issues.
China’s proposals for an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive economy aretherefore crucial not only for this year’s Hangzhou summit but a step towards the G20s strategicdevelopment.
John Ross is Senior Fellow at Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University ofChina.(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor: Kong Defang,Bianji)Add your comment
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