La Marina de EEUU se arma contra Rusia y China
"La Armada de Estados Unidos y Lockheed Martin tienen una variedad de soluciones para inclinar la balanza a favor de EEUU y pasar a una dura ofensiva", asegura el autor.Lockie señala que la Armada de EEUU se ha enfocado durante años en el concepto de la llamada 'letalidad distribuida' que busca armar incluso a los buques más pequeños con armas potentes que puedan destruir blancos a cientos de kilómetros de distancia.© AP Photo/ Fabrizio Bensch/Pool
No obstante, los buques rusos y chinos ya tienen misiles de largo alcance que pueden destruir las naves estadounidenses antes de que las fuerzas siquiera estén cerca, observa el periodista.Además, Rusia y China están trabajando en armas hipersónicas que serán cinco veces más rápidas que la velocidad del sonido, añade.Según Mang, los nuevos y prometedores misiles, como el misil antibuque de largo alcance —LRASM, por sus siglas en inglés— para buques y aviones, podrían entrar en servicio en 2020, lo que reforzaría la estrategia de la Armada de EEUU de "ver primero, entender primero y disparar primero".
Chris Mang, vicepresidente de misiles tácticos y sistemas de maniobra de combate de Lockheed Martin, afirmó a los periodistas que "la defensa es buena", pero "la ofensiva es mejor", cita Lockie al militar.
Los funcionarios de Lockheed Martin tienen previsto armar los F-18 de la Armada de Estados Unidos y los bombarderos de largo alcance B-1B con los LRASM.
En cuanto a las armas hipersónicas destinadas a redefinir la guerra naval, Mang reconoció que todavía están atrasados.Sin embargo, la Armada de EEUU continúa mejorando y extendiendo sus capacidades de defensa del sistema Aegis con el fin de destruir los misiles de largo alcance de Rusia y China y adelantar en el rango los misiles hipersónicos de corto alcance que estos países estén desarrollando.'El cazador de mares' de #EEUU recibe armas para contrarrestar a #China y #Rusia— Sputnik Mundo (@SputnikMundo)
McCain: "The New World Order Is Under Enormous Strain"
It was a bumper day for John McCain when on Friday Donald Trump's Republican nemesis gloated as Trump's "art of the deal" collapsed in the last minute, after the President and Ryan-led effort to repeal Obamacare suffered what appears to be a terminal setback. In the wake of Trump's misfortune, McCain renewed his calls on Friday for a return to a legacy neocon status quo, when speaking at the Brussels forum, said that the world "cries out for American and European leadership" through the EU and Nato, and said that the EU and the US needed to develop "more cooperation, more connectivity".
In a "new world order under enormous strain" and in "the titanic struggle with forces of radicalism … we can't stand by and lament, we've got to be involved," said McCain who is now chairman of the armed services committee in the US Senate, quoted by the EU Observer. "I trust the EU," he said, defending an opposite view from that of US president Donald Trump, who said in January that the UK "was so smart in getting out" of the EU and that Nato was "obsolete". He said that the EU was "one of the most important alliances" for the US and that the EU and Nato were "the best two sums in history", which have maintained peace for the last 70 years.
Further attacking Trump's global worldview, McCan said that "we need to rely on Nato and have a Nato that adjusts to new challenges." He noted that "the EU has too many bureaucrats, not much bureaucracy," but added that "it's not the only place on earth with that problem." He said that he was "still wondering what the overall effect of Brexit will be" and that he did not know "if this is the beginning of a serious problem for the EU". McCain did not disagree, however, with Trump's demand that European countries increase their defense spending for Nato.
McCain also revealed he hasn't met the President Donald Trump in person since he took office, and he urged Trump to reach out to his opponents—Democratic and otherwise—ala Ronald Reagan if he wants to repeal Obamacare. "Do some outreach. Get to know some of these Democratic leaders," he said. "You can find common ground." McCain said he'd met Trump "some years ago" when he was a businessman, but had not met him since. McCain said he did speak "almost daily" to National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, however.
"He doesn't seem to be that upset that he's not talking to him," said German Marshall Fund's Derek Chollet, a former Obama Pentagon official. "He's trying to run U.S. defense policy through Mattis and effectively ignore Trump."
That said, McCain also said it was "too early" to pass judgment on his presidency, although his series of critical comments in recent weeks have demonstrated his growing skepticism about the Trump administration.
Furthermore, while McCain said he was "very pleased" by Trump's picks for his national security team - despite suggesting that they were being bypassed by more ideological and less competent people - he took the opportunity to attack Trump's decisionmaking, saying "the question is: who does the president listen to, who drives the tweets at 6 in morning?", he said.Asked whether he thought that "Russia owns a significant part of the White House," he said: "I don't worry about that."
The unspoken suggestion: Russia.
What worries McCain, he said, was "the Russian role in our elections", even if he admitted that he has seen "no evidence they succeeded" in affecting the outcome of last year's US vote. Noting that Russia was now trying to influence elections in France and in Germany, he said that if it succeeded it would be "a death warrant for democracy".
"It's an act of destruction that is certainly more lethal than dropping some bombs," he insisted. McCain, a Russia hawk, said that Putin wanted to restore the Russian empire: "He wants the Baltics, he has taken Crimea, he's been in Ukraine.""These are KBG thugs, my friends," he said, referring to the former Russian spy service for which Putin used to work. He added that the US needed to "respond accordingly". He said however that there was "nothing wrong" if Trump met Putin.
"I'm not against meeting," he said, reminding the Brussels forum that US presidents met Soviet leaders during the Cold War. But he added that "the best way to go to a meeting is with a strong hand" and that was not the case for the US right now.
What the US needs is a president and congress which would shut these agencies down. Just fire everyone and blow the buildings up. Controlled demolition is the way to solve this problem of a secret government.
Yes, but you're dreaming. How are we to get a U.S. presidency and Congress that would shut such things down? The deep state shadow government is completely out of control from The People's perspective; but, from the government's perspective, this "'1984'-style" surveillance and control grid is here to stay; and it appears that nothing The People do is going to reverse it, and that it is beyond the point of no return. Look at the FACT that they just keep expanding the shadow government, and that for every step backwards (so-called "checks and balances" putting on nothing but a show of supposedly shutting down and/or ending the funding of segments of it, there are at least two if not more steps forward in its expansion). How are We the People going to shut that down? It doesn't even appear that a violent revolution would do any good, or reverse the deep state, at this point. Don't get me wrong, I DO want to be hopeful; but, when we see the behemoth that is the expansion of a completely despotic, tyrannical and increasingly totalitarian government as it IS being expanded, what hope have We the People of reversing its complete takeover? It looks seriously like there is no turning back.
This is not the U.S. as it was only meant to be anymore. It is a monster that just keeps growing to mammoth, out of control proportions. It doesn't answer to the People anymore, if it ever really did, and we have less and less input into its operation(s) and expansion. What can we do?
And as all of us who read the comments section on RSN's articles know, Hillary Clinton was the Deep State's pick for president last year.
Er . . .
There are at least 20 levels of security clearances above the POTUS.
So who is that controls the US?
can't help wondering what else the Prez, the media, and the public aren't aware of.
Orwell wd not be surprised.
On a micro note, the 'd' is missing
in "a medium-size city" wch shd be:
[a medium-sized city]
not a noun, a modifier.....
old-fashioned dress, coloured glass, ....
cf fried rice
Now, add the overhead spy stuff and the potential for domestic surveillance is out of this world. And with the current administration there is almost nothing to stop it. It is George Orwell's worst nightmare come true.