sábado, 11 de febrero de 2017

(17) Sanctions and Cheap Oil Should Have Crushed Russia. Instead It's Now a Growing 'Grain Superpower'

(16) Unipolar World Will ‘Lead to Chaos’ — Putin’s 2007 Speech Predicted a Decade of Conflict (VIDEO)

(15) Una 'trampa de deuda' que puede desencadenar la Tercera Guerra Mundial- Videos de RT

(T) Dr Alfredo Jalife en Canal del Congreso: "El (des)Orden Global en la Era Trump" - YouTube

PARA TODOS Dr Alfredo Jalife en Canal del Congreso: "El (des)Orden Global en la Era Trump" 

(14) Neocons Use Ukraine to Reverse Trump Plan to Thaw Relations with Putin and Wage Global War

(13) Why Trump's call to Putin has upset Washington

viernes, 10 de febrero de 2017

(12) Xi-Trump call heralds new phase in relations communication - Global Times


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(11) For Abe, a Chance to Take Washington's Temperature | Stratfor

(10) China: Trump Reverses Course on 'One-China' Principle | Stratfor

(09) Goodbye Petrodollar: Russia and China Dump US Treasuries, Buy Gold

(08) PressTV-‘Trump in no position to threaten Iran’

(07) PressTV-Putin says Russia-US ties need to be restored

(06) Trump Tells Xi Jinping U.S. Will Honor ‘One China’ Policy - The New York Times

(05) In Welcoming Shinzo Abe, Trump Affirms U.S. Commitment to Defending Japan - The New York Times

(04) 10 years on, Putin’s Munich speech continues to resonate — RT Op-Edge

(03) EE.UU. y Japón confirman que su alianza militar se extiende hasta las islas disputadas por China - RT

(02) Trump, Changing Course on Taiwan, Gives China an Upper Hand - The New York Times

(01) Soros Media Plots Color Revolution in America | Katehon think tank. Geopolitics & Tradition

(29) Russia and America: Donald Trump seeks a grand bargain with Vladimir Putin | The Economist

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2017

(28) USNI Blog » Blog Archive » Taking the Long View on Hispanic Immigration

(27) La Jornada: Bajo la lupa

(26) El documental sobre Trump que él mismo prohibió hace 25 años - RT

(25) Will Andrew Jackson Trump Embody the Bannon Doctrine?

(24) Is Trump accepting reality in East Asia? - Global Times

(23) Pres. Trump Looking Forward to Constructive Relations with Xi Jinping | Covert Geopolitics

(22) ¿Por qué la primera amenaza de la Administración Trump es contra Irán? | Misión Verdad

(21) News Analysis: U.S.-Mexican border wall not guaranteed to reduce illegal immigration - Xinhua | English.news.cn

> http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-02/09/c_136042313.htm

miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2017

(20) News Analysis: U.S.-Mexican border wall not guaranteed to reduce illegal immigration - Xinhua | English.news.cn


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(19) Is Trump accepting reality in East Asia? - Global Times


Enviado desde mi iPad

(18) The Iran-Russia-China Strategic Triangle

(17) Why NAFTA's Fate Isn't Decided Yet | Stratfor

(16) China, US should steer clear of conflict as ‘neither can afford it’ – Chinese FM — RT News

(15) "Error de proporciones monumentales": ¿Trump quiere dividir a Rusia, China e Irán? - RT

(14) China recomienda a EE.UU. que "repase la historia de la Segunda Guerra Mundial" - RT

(13) Goldman Sachs alerta de las consecuencias de una guerra comercial entre EEUU y China

(12) Oliver Stone: el conflicto ucraniano es un pretexto para demonizar a Rusia y preservar la OTAN

(11) ¿Se disparará el desarrollo del arsenal nuclear chino?

(10) Putin-Trump-Erdogan Triangle to 'Determine Main Dynamics in Syria'

(09) US' Bill on Info War Against Russia Has Soros' Fingerprints All Over It

martes, 7 de febrero de 2017

(08) Vladimir Putin orders Russian air force to prepare for 'time of war' | The Independent

(07) Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin 'trying to redraw the map of Europe', former French PM warns | The Independent

(06) Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin 'trying to redraw the map of Europe', former French PM warns | The Independent

(05) PressTV-US-China tensions have no winner: Beijing

(04) Mattis' Mission in Asia | RAND

(03) Checklist for a U.S.-Russia Cyberwar | RAND

(02) The 11 nations of the United States - Business Insider

(01) Controlled by shadow government: Mike Lofgren reveals how top U.S. officials are at the mercy of the “deep state” - Salon.com

(29) NAFTA's Future: The Three Amigos Will Dance Alone | Stratfor

(28) "EEUU iría con todo a una guerra con China"

(27) Putin’s Tough Choice: China or the West

(26) Estados Unidos planea revisar el uso de armas nucleares - RT

(25) Medio chino: Rusia no tragará el anzuelo de EEUU

(24) ¿Quién es Peter Navarro, el asesor de Trump que suscita temores de una guerra comercial? - RT

(23) Arabian Gulf War Games - Breitbart

(22) Mattis Concludes Asia Trip with Warning to China: Stay Out of Japanese Islands

(21) German Ambassador’s views on future world order - Global Times

(20) "EEUU iría con todo a una guerra con China"

(19) Russia Warns “Battle of Avdiivka” Is Spark Being Used To Ignite World War III

(18) ¿Qué hay detrás de las protestas en Rumanía?

(17) Video Rebel's Blog | Just another WordPress.com site

(16) Ejército ucraniano incrementa sus fuerzas en línea de separación en Donbás

(15) Un mapa revela cuántas tropas de la OTAN se despliegan en las fronteras rusas

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2017

(14) Trump era foreshadows war in peninsula - Global Times

(13) US tanks, infantry fighting vehicles arrive in Estonia amid NATO buildup on Russian borders — RT News

(12) Take the Oil: 30 Years Before America Invaded Iraq, it Almost Invaded Saudi Arabia | The National Interest Blog

(11) Cuando EEUU sopesó invadir Arabia Saudí

(10) Rocket Force: China Tests Its New Super-Accurate Missile During War Games

(09) Russia disagrees with Trump on Iran

(08) United States Reassures Its Asian Allies | Stratfor

(07) Spain: The Risky Push for Catalan Independence | Stratfor

(06) Ukraine: Trump Calls Poroshenko as Fighting Persists | Stratfor

(05) Putin Singles Out Hungary | Stratfor

(04) We can’t let Trump go down Putin’s path - The Washington Post

(03) 9 foreign policy issues the Trump administration will have to face - Washington Post

(02) Trump wants to push back against Iran, but Iran is now more powerful than ever - The Washington Post

(01) "Rusia debería convencer a EEUU a no percibir a Irán como amenaza"

(29) ¿Pretende Washington estropear las relaciones entre Moscú y Teherán?

(28) 'If trade stops, war starts,' warns Alibaba founder Jack Ma — RT Business