For decades, the United States and Britain's vision of democracy and freedom defined the postwar world. What will happen in an age of Donald Trump and Nigel Farage?
Photo illustration by Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari. Map: Rand McNally.
One of the strangest episodes in Donald Trump's very weird campaign was the appearance of an Englishman looking rather pleased with himself at a rally on Aug. 24 in Jackson, Miss. The Englishman was Nigel Farage, introduced by Trump as "the Man Behind Brexit." Most people in the crowd probably didn't have a clue who Farage — the leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party — actually was. Yet there he stood, grinning and hollering about "our independence day" and the "real people," the "decent people," the "ordinary people" who took on the banks, the liberal media and the political establishment. Trump pulled his face into a crocodile smile, clapped his hands and promised, "Brexit plus plus plus!"
Brexit itself — the decision to withdraw Britain from the European Union, notwithstanding the almost universal opposition from British banking, business, political and intellectual elites — was not the main point here. In his rasping delivery, Trump roared about Farage's great victory, "despite horrible name-calling, despite all obstacles." Quite what name-calling he had in mind was fuzzy, but the message was clear. His own victory would be like that of the Brexiteers, only more so. He even called himself Mr. Brexit.
Many friends and experts I spoke to in Britain resisted the comparison between Trumpism and Brexit. In London, the distinguished conservative historian Noel Malcolm told me that his heart sank when I compared the two. Brexit, he said, was all about sovereignty. British democracy, in his view, would be undermined if the British had to abide by laws passed by foreigners they didn't vote for. (He was referring to the European Union.) The Brexit vote, he maintained, had little to do with globalization or immigration or working-class people feeling left behind by the elites. It was primarily a matter of democratic principle.
Malcolm seemed to think that Brexit voters, including former industrial workers in Britain's rust-belt cities, were moved by the same high-minded principles that had made him a convinced Brexiteer. I had my doubts. Resentment about Polish, Romanian and other European Union citizens coming to Britain to work harder for less money played an important part. As did the desire to poke the eye of an unpopular elite, held responsible for the economic stagnation in busted industrial cities. And the simple dislike of foreigners in Britain should never be underestimated.
In the United States, too, I found resistance to the idea that Brexit was a harbinger of a Trump victory. I was assured over and over by liberal friends that Trump would never be president. American voters were too sensible to fall for his hateful demagogy. Trump, I was told, was a product of peculiarly American strains of populism that flare up periodically, like the anti-immigrant nativism in the 1920s or Huey P. Long in 1930s Louisiana, but would never reach as far as the White House. Traditional American populism of this kind, directed at the rich, bankers, immigrants or big business, could, in any case, not be usefully compared with English hostility to the European Union, because there was no supranational political union the United States belonged to.
And yet Trump and Farage quickly recognized what they shared. In Scotland, where Trump happened to be reopening a golf resort the day after the Brexit vote, he pointed out the parallels. Brexit, Trump said to the Scots who voted overwhelmingly against it, was "a great thing": The British had "taken back their country." Phrases like "sovereignty," "control" and "greatness" fired up the crowds in both Trump's and Farage's campaigns. You might think they meant something different by those words. Farage and his allies, many of them English nationalists, wanted to wrest national sovereignty from the European Union. But from whom or what does Trump want to take his country back? Trump has gestured at the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization as noxious elements run by international elites to the detriment of the American working man. But I can't imagine that these institutions fill most of his followers with rage.
In fact, most international institutions, including the I.M.F. and NATO, were set up under American auspices, to promote the interests of the United States and its allies. European unification, and the resulting European Union, too, have not only been approved of but also vociferously encouraged by American presidents before Trump. But his America First sentiments — for that is what they are at this point, more than a policy — are hostile to these organizations. And so, by and large, are the likes of Nigel Farage.
So Farage and Trump were speaking about the same thing. But they have more in common than distaste for international or supranational institutions. When Farage, in his speech in Jackson, fulminated against the banks, the liberal media and the political establishment, he was not talking about foreign bodies but about the aliens in our midst, as it were, our own elites who are, by implication, not "real, "ordinary" or "decent." And not only Farage. The British prime minister, Theresa May, not a Brexiteer before the referendum, called members of international-minded elites "citizens of nowhere." When three High Court judges in Britain ruled that Parliament, and not just the prime minister's cabinet, should decide when to trigger the legal mechanism for Brexit, they were denounced in a major British tabloid newspaper as "enemies of the people."
Trump deliberately tapped into the same animus against citizens who are not "real people." He made offensive remarks about Muslims, immigrants, refugees and Mexicans. But the deepest hostility was directed against those elitist traitors within America who supposedly coddle minorities and despise the "real people." The last ad of the Trump campaign attacked what Joseph Stalin used to call "rootless cosmopolitans" in a particularly insidious manner. Incendiary references to a "global power structure" that was robbing honest working people of their wealth were illustrated by pictures of George Soros, Janet Yellen and Lloyd Blankfein. Perhaps not every Trump supporter realized that all three are Jewish. But those who did cannot have missed the implications.
When Trump and Farage stood on that stage together in Mississippi, they spoke as though they were patriots reclaiming their great countries from foreign interests. No doubt they regard Britain and the United States as exceptional nations. But their success is dismaying precisely because it goes against a particular idea of Anglo-American exceptionalism. Not the traditional self-image of certain American and British jingoists who like to think of the United States as the City on the Hill or Britain as the sceptered isle splendidly aloof from the wicked Continent, but another kind of Anglo-American exception: the one shaped by World War II. The defeat of Germany and Japan resulted in a grand alliance, led by the United States, in the West and Asia. Pax Americana, along with a unified Europe, would keep the democratic world safe. If Trump and Farage get their way, much of that dream will be in tatters.
Photo illustration by Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari
In the years when most of Europe was overrun by the Nazis or fascist dictatorships, the Anglo-American allies were the last hope of freedom, democracy and internationalism. I grew up in the world they shaped. My native country, the Netherlands, was freed in 1945, six years before I was born, by British and North American troops (with the help of some very brave Poles). Those of us with no direct memories of this had still seen movies like "The Longest Day," about the Normandy landings. John Wayne, Robert Mitchum and Kenneth More and his bulldog were our liberating heroes.
This was, of course, a childish conceit. For one thing, it left out the Soviet Red Army, which liberated my father, who was forced to work in a factory in Berlin along with other young men who, under German occupation, refused to sign a loyalty oath to the Nazis. But the victorious Anglo-Saxon nations, especially the United States, largely shaped the postwar Western world we lived in. The words of the Atlantic Charter, drawn up by Churchill and Roosevelt in 1941, resonated deeply throughout a war-torn Europe: Trade barriers would be lowered, peoples would be free, social welfare would advance and global cooperation would ensue. Churchill called the charter "not a law, but a star."
Pax Americana, in which Britain played the role of special junior partner, whose specialness was perhaps more keenly felt in London than in Washington, was based on a liberal consensus. Not only NATO, set up to protect Western democracies, chiefly against the Soviet threat, but also the ideal of European unification were born from the ashes of 1945. Many Europeans, liberals as well as conservatives, believed that only a united Europe would stop them from tearing their continent apart again. Even Winston Churchill, whose heart was more invested in Commonwealth and Empire, was in favor of it.
The Cold War made the exceptional role of the victorious allies even more vital. The West, its freedoms protected by the United States, needed a plausible counternarrative to Soviet ideology. This included a promise of greater social and economic equality. Of course, neither the United States, with its long history of racial prejudice and occasional fits of political hysteria, like McCarthyism, nor Britain, with its tenacious class system, ever quite lived up to the shining ideals they presented to the postwar world. Nonetheless, the image of exceptional Anglo-American liberty held up, not only in countries that had been occupied during the war but in the defeated nations, Germany (at least in the western half) and Japan, as well.
America's prestige was greatly bolstered not just by the soldiers who helped liberate Europe but also by the men and women back home who fought to make their society more equal and their democracy more inclusive. By struggling against the injustices in their own country, figures like the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. or the Freedom Riders or indeed President Obama kept the hope of American exceptionalism alive. As did the youth culture of the 1960s. When Vaclav Havel, the Czech dissident playwright and later president, hailed Frank Zappa, Lou Reed and the Rolling Stones as his political heroes, he was not being frivolous. Under communist oppression, the pop music of America and Britain represented freedom. Europeans born not long after World War II often professed to hate the United States, or at least its politics and wars, but the expressions of their hostility were almost entirely borrowed from America itself. Bob Dylan received this year's Nobel Prize for literature, not least because the Swedish jury of baby boomers grew up with his words of protest.
No doubt Trump and Farage regard Britain and the United States as exceptional nations. But their success is dismaying precisely because it goes against a particular idea of Anglo-American exceptionalism.
The ideal of exceptional Anglo-Saxon liberties obviously goes back much further than the aftermath of Hitler's defeat, let alone Bob Dylan and the Stones. Alexis de Tocqueville's admiring account of American democracy in the 1830s is well known. Much less famous are his writings on Britain in the same period. Born soon after the French Revolution, Tocqueville was haunted by the question of why Britain, with its mighty aristocracy, was spared such an upheaval. Why did the British people not rebel? His answer was that the social system in Britain was just open enough to allow a person to hope that with hard work, ingenuity and luck, he could rise in society. The British version of the American dream: "The Great Gatsby" may be the great American novel, but Gatsby could have existed in Britain too.
In practice, there were probably not all that many rags-to-riches stories in 19th-century Britain. But the fact that Benjamin Disraeli, the son of Sephardic Jews, could become prime minister, and an earl, no less, provided the basis for many generations in Europe to believe in Britain as an exceptional country. Jews from Russia or Lithuania, or from Germany, like my own great-grandparents, flocked to Britain as immigrants in the hope that they, too, could become English gentlemen.
Anglophilia, like the American dream, may have been based on myths, but myths can be potent and long-lasting. The notion that sufficient effort and talent can beat the odds has been especially important in Britain and the United States. Anglo-American capitalism can be harsh in many ways, but because free markets are receptive to new talent and cheap labor, they have spawned the kind of societies, pragmatic and relatively open, where immigrants can thrive, the very kind that rulers of more closed, communitarian, autocratic societies tend to despise.
Wilhelm II, kaiser of Germany until 1918, when his country was defeated in the First World War, which he had done his best to unleash, was such a figure. Half English himself, he called England a nation of shopkeepers and described it as "Juda-England," a country corrupted by sinister alien elites, where money counted more than the virtues of blood and soil. In later decades, this kind of anti-Semitic rhetoric was more often aimed at the United States. The Nazis were convinced that Jewish capitalists ruled America, not just in Hollywood but in Washington and, naturally, New York. This notion is still commonly held, though less in Europe than in the Middle East and some parts of Asia. But talk about "citizens of nowhere," sinister cosmopolitan elites and conspiratorial bankers fits precisely in the same tradition. A terrifying irony of contemporary Anglo-American populism is the common use of phrases that were traditionally used by enemies of the English-speaking countries.
Yet even those who don't go along with the kaiser's loathsome words recognize that liberal economics, as practiced since the middle of the 19th century in Britain and the United States, has a darker side. It does not allow for much redistribution of wealth or protection of the most vulnerable citizens. There have been exceptions: Roosevelt's New Deal, for instance, or Britain's postwar Labor government under Clement Attlee, which created free national health care, built better public housing, improved education and guaranteed other blessings of the welfare state. British working-class men who risked their lives for their country during the war expected no less. On the whole, however, Britain and the United States have, compared with many Western countries, generally set greater store on individual economic freedom than on the ideal of egalitarianism. And nothing creates such swift and radical social change as unfettered free enterprise.
Photo illustration by Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari. Map: Rand McNally.
The Reagan-Thatcher revolution in the 1980s — deregulating financial services, closing down coal mines and manufacturing plants and hacking away at the benefits of the New Deal and the British welfare state — was regarded by many conservatives, on both sides of the Atlantic, as a triumph for Anglo-American exceptionalism, a great coup for freedom. Europeans outside Britain were more skeptical. They tended to see Thatcherism and Reaganomics as ruthless forms of economic liberalism, making some people vastly richer but leaving many more out in the cold. Nonetheless, in order to compete, many governments began to emulate the same economic system.
That this happened at the end of the Cold War was no coincidence. The collapse of Soviet communism was celebrated, rightly, as the final liberation of Europe. Countries, left behind on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain after World War II, were free at last. The first President Bush spoke about the "new world order," led by the only superpower left standing. The Reagan-Thatcher revolution appeared to have triumphed.
But the end of communism in the West also had other, less desirable consequences. The horrors of the Soviet empire tainted other forms of leftism, including social democratic ideals, which in fact had been anti-communist. Even as the "end of history" was declared and the Anglo-American liberal democratic model was expected to be unrivaled forever, many began to believe that all forms of collectivist idealism led straight to the gulag. Thatcher once declared that there was no such thing as society, just individuals and families. People had to be forced to take care of themselves.
Radical economic liberalism did more to destroy traditional communities than any social-democratic governments ever did. Thatcher's most implacable enemies were the miners and industrial workers. The neoliberal rhetoric was all about prosperity "trickling down" from above. But it never quite worked out that way. Those workers and their children, now languishing in impoverished rust-belt cities, received another blow in the banking crisis of 2008. Major postwar institutions, like the I.M.F., which the United States set up in 1945 to secure a more stable world, no longer functioned properly. The I.M.F. did not even see the crisis coming. Large numbers of people, who never recovered from the crash, decided to rebel and voted for Brexit — and for Trump.
Neither Brexit nor Trump are likely to bring great benefits to these voters. But at least for a while, they can dream of taking their countries back to an imaginary, purer, more wholesome past. This reaction is not only sweeping across the United States and Britain. The same thing is happening in other countries, including some with long liberal democratic traditions, like the Netherlands. Twenty years ago, Amsterdam was seen as the capital of everything wild and progressive, the kind of place were cops openly smoke pot (another myth, but a telling one). The Dutch thought of themselves as the world champions of racial and religious tolerance. Of all European countries, the Netherlands was the most firmly embedded in the Anglosphere. Now the most popular political party, according to the latest polls, is led practically as a one-man operation by Geert Wilders, an anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, anti-European Union firebrand who hailed Trump's victory as the coming of a "patriotic spring."
'Taking back our country' means a retreat from the world that Anglo-Americans envisioned after 1945. English nationalists have opted for a modern version of Splendid Isolation. Trump wants to put America First.
In France, Marine Le Pen, who shares Wilders's enthusiasm for Trump, might be the next president. Poland and Hungary are already ruled by populist autocrats who reject the kind of liberalism that Eastern European dissidents once struggled so hard to achieve. Norbert Hofer, a man of the far right, could become the next president of Austria.
Does this mean that Britain and the United States are no longer exceptional? Perhaps. But I think it is also true to say that the very idea of Anglo-American exceptionalism has made populism in those countries more potent. The self-flattering notion that the Western victors in World War II are special, braver and freer than any other people, that the United States is the greatest nation in the history of man, that Great Britain — the country that stood alone against Hitler — is superior to any European let alone non-European country has not only led to some ill-conceived wars but also helped to paper over the inequalities built into Anglo-American capitalism. The notion of natural superiority, of the sheer luck of being born an American or a Briton, gave a sense of entitlement to people who, in terms of education or prosperity, were stuck in the lower ranks of society.
This worked quite well until the last decades of the last century. Not only were the fortunes of working- or lower-middle-class people in Britain beginning to dwindle compared with those of the rich, who were steadily getting richer, but it gradually became clear even to the most insular Britons that they were doing much worse than the Germans, the Scandinavians and the Dutch, worse even than the French, Britain's oldest rivals. One way of venting their rage was to fight in soccer stadiums, taunting German fans by mimicking British bombers and bellowing slogans about winning the war.
The so-called football hooligans remained an embarrassing minority, but there were other ways to express the same feelings. The European Union, for which most British people had never felt a great love, actually made many parts of Britain more prosperous. The blight of the old industrial cities and mining towns was not a result of European Union policies. But it was easy for "Euro-skeptics" to deflect popular attention from domestic problems by blaming foreigners who were supposedly running the show in Brussels. Europhobes liked to claim that "this was not why we fought the war." The specter of not just Hitler but also Napoleon was sometimes evoked. Spitfires and talk of Britain's finest hour made a rhetorical comeback in the UKIP campaign to leave Europe. Some pro-Brexit politicians even praised the greatness of the British Empire. "Taking back control" by leaving the European Union is not going to make most people in Britain more prosperous. The contrary is more likely to be true. But it takes the sting out of relative failure. It feeds the desire to feel exceptional, entitled, in short, to be great again.
Something similar has happened in the United States. Not only were even the least privileged Americans told that they lived in God's own country, but white Americans, however impoverished and undereducated, had the comforting sense that there was always a group beneath them, who did not share their entitlement, or claim to greatness, a class of people with a darker skin. With a Harvard-educated black president, this fiction became increasingly difficult to sustain.
Photo illustration by Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari. Map: Rand McNally.
Trump and the leaders of Brexit had a fine instinct for these popular feelings. In a way, Trump is a Gatsby gone sour. He played on the wounded pride of large communities and inflamed the passions of people who fear the changes that make them feel abandoned. In the United States, this brought out old strains of nativism. In Britain, English nationalism is the main force behind Brexit. But in both cases, "taking back our country" means a retreat from the world that the Anglo-Americans envisaged after 1945. English nationalists have opted for a modern version of Splendid Isolation (paradoxically, a term coined to describe British foreign policy under Benjamin Disraeli). Trump wants to put America First.
Brexit Britain and Trump's America are linked in their desire to pull down the pillars of Pax Americana and European unification. In a perverse way, this may herald a revival of a "special relationship" between Britain and the United States, a case of history repeating itself not exactly as farce but as tragi-farce. Trump told Theresa May that he would like to have the same relationship with her that Ronald Reagan had with Margaret Thatcher. But the first British politician to arrive at Trump Tower to congratulate the president-elect was not the prime minister or even the foreign secretary, Boris Johnson, but Nigel Farage.
Trump and Farage, beaming like schoolboys in front of Trump's gilded elevator, gloated over their victories by repeating the same word that once made their respective countries exceptional: "freedom." In the privacy of Trump's home, Farage suggested that the new president should move Winston Churchill's bust back into the Oval Office. Trump thought this a splendid idea.
A month before Trump's election and three months after the Brexit vote, I visited the great military historian Sir Michael Howard at his home in rural England. As a young man, Howard fought the Germans as an officer in the British Army. He landed in Italy in 1943 and took part in the decisive battle of Salerno, for which he was awarded the Military Cross. John Wayne and Kenneth More were a fantasy. Sir Michael was the real thing. He is 95 years old.
After lunch at a local pub, just a few miles from where my grandparents used to live, we talked about Brexit, the war, American politics, Europe and our families. The setting could not have been more English, with the pale autumn sun setting over the rolling hills of Berkshire. Like my great-grandparents, Sir Michael's maternal grandparents were German Jews who moved to England, where they did very well. Like mine, his family of immigrants became utterly British. In addition to being Regius professor of history at Oxford University, Howard taught at Yale. He knows America well and has no illusions about the "special relationship," which he believes was invented by Churchill and was always much overblown.
Sitting in his drawing room, with books piled up around us, many of them about World War II, I wanted to hear his thoughts on Brexit. He replied in a tone of resigned melancholy more than outrage. Brexit, he said, "is accelerating the disintegration of the Western world." Contemplating that world, so carefully constructed after the war he fought in, he said: "Perhaps it was just a bubble in an ocean." I asked him about the special Anglo-American relationship. "Ah, 'the special relationship,' " he said. "It was a necessary myth, a bit like Christianity. But now where do we go?"
Where indeed? The last hope of the West might be Germany, the country that Michael Howard fought against and that I hated as a child. Angela Merkel's message to Trump on the day after his victory was a perfect expression of Western values that are still worth defending. She would welcome a close cooperation with the United States, she said, but only on the basis of "democracy, freedom and respect for the law and the dignity of man, independent of origin, skin color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or political views." Merkel spoke as the true heiress of the Atlantic Charter.
Germany, too, once thought it was the exceptional nation. This ended in a worldwide catastrophe. The Germans learned their lesson. They no longer wanted to be exceptional in any way, which is why they were so keen to be embedded in a unified Europe. The last thing Germans wanted was to lead other countries, especially in any military sense. This is the way Germany's neighbors wished it as well. Pax Americana seemed vastly preferable to a revival of German exceptionalism. I still think so. But looking once more at that photograph of the Donald and Farage, baring their teeth in glee, thumbs held high, with the gold from the elevator door glinting in their hair, I wonder whether Germany might not be compelled to question a lesson it learned a little too well.
15:47 h. El profesor de la UNAM considera que el exlíder cubano, quien falleció el pasado 25 de noviembre, dejó una huella en Latinoamérica que sólo se compara con la de Simón Bolívar
El legado que dejó Fidel Castro Ruz en al ámbito de la geopolítica radicó en que entendió la importancia geoestratégica de Cuba debido a su cercanía con Estados Unidos, expuso en entrevista con Publimetro el analista Alfredo Jalife Rame, quien conoció personalmente al líder de la Revolución Cubana.
"Cuba es una de las grandes piezas geoestratégicas de este planeta, en su momento entre Estados Unidos y la URSS; hoy, con Rusia y China. La prominencia política de la Isla está en que se ubica a 150 kilómetros de Estados Unidos y eso lo entendió muy bien Fidel", agregó.
A decir de Rahme, Castro Ruz jugó perfectamente las contradicciones del orden mundial y en su momento el líder cubano se inclinó por el lado soviético; no obstante, cuando la URSS se cayó Castro, pese a todo, logró mantener el poder.
"Otro mandatario en 1991 que hubiera sufrido la debacle de la Unión Soviética se hubiera derrumbado y Fidel Castro no se cayó y eso es muy importante reconocerlo; claro, el precio fue alto", resaltó.
Sin embargo, el profesor de la UNAM consideró que muchas de las críticas que ha realizado la disidencia cubana son "rescatables", pero recalcó que ahora es tiempo de que los dos bandos se unan.
"Los cubanos de Miami siguen viviendo la época de la Guerra Fría que ya caducó. Hoy deben entender que tienen que hermanarse, coordinarse con los cubanos de la isla como lo hicieron los alemanes", apuntó.
¿Qué sigue para Cuba?
De acuerdo con el analista geopolítico, si Donald Trump – presidente electo de Estados Unidos – "le aprieta las tuercas" a Cuba y rompe relaciones con la isla, los dirigentes cubanos se acercarán a China o a Rusia.
"Podría cometer un grave error, porque arrojaría a Cuba a los brazos de Rusia o de China, eso no le conviene a Estados Unidos", agregó.
Rahme expuso que la muerte de Fidel Castro no cambiará radicalmente la política interna de Cuba, ya que desde que asumió Raúl Castro el poder se han realizado reformas económicas.
El profesor de la UNAM comentó que Cuba tiene que evolucionar a un modelo económico como el de China, de economía mixta de mercado o al modelo de economía abierta del gobierno de Vladimir Putin.
"El modelo estalinista de Fidel no es vigente, estamos en otra época", comentó.
Una anécdota con Fidel
Para Alfredo Jalife Rahme el recuerdo que guarda de Fidel es que era un extraordinario lector y que de no haberse desempeñado como Jefe de Estado hubiera podido ser uno de los mejores abogados del mundo.
"Una ocasión Fidel me invitó a cenar junto con el expresidente del Banco Central de Cuba (Francisco Soberón), su secretario particular (Pérez Roque) y Carlos Lage y el rector de la Universidad de La Habana.
"Entonces me lleva 20 libros de la globalización y me pregunta: 'oye chico, cuál de estos libros tengo que leer', pero yo como soy muy bromista le dije: 'oiga comandante le hace falta un libro', y me preguntó cuál y en ese momento le respondo que mi libro que se llama El lado oscuro de la globalización. Y me contestó: ´ay, chico, ese ya lo leímos´.
"Él me quería mucho porque yo fui quien propició la adopción del euro en Cuba, porque mi teoría era que de esta manera se contrarrestaría el poder del dólar y a Fidel le encantó esa situación", recordó.
'Golden Era': China's Global Triumphant March Prompts Panic in West
China continues its triumphant march across the globe with Chinese companies having invested a record $145.6 billion abroad in 2015, the Beijing-based Center for China and Globalization highlights in its latest report dubbed the Blue Book of Chinese Enterprise Globalization.
"We saw three highlights in China's outbound investment over the last year. One, for the first time, China has seen a net outflow of capital. Two, we have surpassed Japan to become the second largest source of foreign investment in the world. And finally, China's investment in the United States has surpassed US investment into China," Wang Huiyao, one of the authors of the report, told China Daily.
According to the report, over the last two years the world has seen China's enterprises increasingly making overseas purchases or participating in mergers.
All in all overseas mergers and acquisitions have reached $110 billion since the beginning of 2016, the People's Daily notes, adding that China's outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) has ranked second in the world for the first time.
Citing the report's authors, the media outlet emphasizes that the period between 2015 and 2016 has become a "golden era" for Chinese enterprises investing overseas.
However, it appears that Western powers are not so enthusiastic about China's globalization efforts.
US lawmakers have raised the alarm over China's global expansion.
Citing an October draft report of the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, The Washington Free Beacon signaled that American policy-makers were seeking to ban Chinese state-owned enterprises' purchases of US companies.
"The Commission recommends Congress amend the statute authorizing the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States to bar Chinese state-owned enterprises from acquiring or otherwise gaining effective control of US companies," the draft read.
The Commission's final document released in mid-November reiterated the US lawmakers' plea, citing security issues.
"The increased acquisition of US assets by Chinese companies has led to growing political concern over the national security risks of such acquisitions. Chinese firms, which often receive state funding, have been particularly active in bidding for US technology assets," the document warned.
Commenting on the matter Alexander Larin of the Russian Academy of Sciences' (RAN) Institute of the Far East called attention to the fact that the discriminatory proposal was voiced out loud following Donald Trump's election.
"Following the election of the new US President, some forces have stirred which want to review economic relations with China," Larin told Sputnik, citing Trump's repeated threats to impose higher tariffs on Chinese goods.
Larin noted that it seems that Trump's election promises to reconsider US-Chinese trade relations were backed by influential players in US industrial circles.
"Bringing this kind of recommendation to Congress demonstrates that Trump has a certain level of support in the business community, and that his eccentric statements during the election campaign had some basis, that he has some support," he noted.
However, according to Andrey Korneev, deputy director of the Institute of Asian and African Studies of Moscow State University, the economies of China, the US and EU have become so interdependent that in the event of political frictions between Beijing and the West, the latter would be unable to exert considerable pressure on China.
Following Trump's win Chinese media outlet Global Times posed the question whether Washington under Trump will really dare to start a "trade war" against China.
"China will take a tit-for-tat approach then. A batch of Boeing orders will be replaced by Airbus. US auto and iPhone sales in China will suffer a setback, and US soybean and maize imports will be halted," the media outlet noted.
Likewise, if the US imposes a 45 percent tariff on imports from China, the move would eventually backfire at Washington, The Global Times added.
Last month the German government banned a deal between China's Fujian Grand Chip Investment and Aixtron, a maker of semiconductor equipment near Aachen.
"US intelligences services were behind a sudden decision by the German government to block a Chinese investor from acquiring Aixtron," Handelsblatt Global explained, adding that "Washington is concerned that Beijing might use Aixtron equipment to produce electronic chips for its nuclear program."
Larin pointed out that much in the same manner the West may throw a wrench in China National Chemical Corp's (ChemChina) plans to purchase Syngenta, a global Swiss agribusiness that produces agrochemicals and seeds.
According to Larin, the anti-China recommendations by the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission can boost the positions of those Western businesses which perceive Beijing's successful developments as a threat to their interests.
"Los líderes chinos se plantean tareas más ambiciosas, en particular, incrementar el intercambio comercial hasta los 500.000 millones de dólares en los próximos 25 años y algunos expertos afirman que es muy posible que China supere a EEUU en la lista de socios comerciales de América Latina", aseveró.
En el marco de la mesa redonda 'BRICS y América Latina: situación, problemas y perspectivas de cooperación', celebrada en Rossiya Segodnya, el experto señaló que China es el país "más activo de los actores no pertenecientes a la región entre los miembros del BRICS".
"En general, China ocupa el segundo lugar tras EEUU en la lista de socios comerciales de la región latinoamericana, es más, para algunos países de América Latina como Brasil, Chile y Perú, China es el principal socio comercial", argumentó.
El experto indicó que el intercambio comercial entre China y América Latina en 2000 era de alrededor de 12.000 millones de dólares y para 2013 superó los 250.000 millones de dólares.
"Sin lugar a dudas, la actividad de China en América Latina generó gran inquietud en EEUU, los expertos estadounidenses trataron de hallar por todos los medios posibles los puntos débiles de la expansión china; pero creemos que esta expansión fue una de las fuentes de ese incremento sin precedentes del PIB de los países latinoamericanos que pudimos observar entre 2000 y 2013; en general su papel en la región es valorado positivamente", aseveró el analista.
Pese a que en los últimos dos años el intercambio comercial entre China y América Latina se redujo considerablemente debido a la ralentización del ritmo de crecimiento de la nación asiática y la caída de los precios de las mercancías latinoamericanas de exportación, el gigante asiático mantiene su liderazgo en la región sobre el resto de los miembros del BRICS.
Acreedor favorable
El experto subrayó que además del crecimiento del intercambio comercial, China se convirtió en uno de los principales acreedores de los países latinoamericanos, ofreciendo condiciones más aceptables que las de los países occidentales.
"China otorgó créditos multimillonarios a Venezuela y Ecuador, además de ofrecer créditos a Brasil y Argentina", señaló.
Otro aspecto importante es que a "diferencia de las instituciones crediticias occidentales, no puso condiciones a cambio de otorgar estos créditos, no exigió la realización de reformas estructurales ni cambios políticos en esos países".
Según Shishkov, "durante los próximos años esta política se mantendrá", porque "China creó varios fondos especiales para continuar dando créditos a países de América Latina, por lo que de este modo fortalece considerablemente sus posiciones a nivel regional".
En su opinión, las empresas estatales chinas y los bancos estatales juegan un papel significativo en la estrategia china en la región.
"China supera en gran medida a sus competidores porque ofrece soluciones, créditos, realización de proyectos y un posterior servicio", expresó.
Según el especialista, "sin lugar a dudas, este proceder convierte a China en un socio atractivo para muchos países latinoamericanos".
Además, la nación asiática invierte activamente en la región y tiene previsto incrementar el monto total de inversiones en América Latina al nivel de 250.000 millones de dólares.
El experto subrayó que en opinión de los expertos, esta expansión china a Latinoamérica se debe, ante todo, a las necesidades del desarrollo interno de China y no a determinadas ambiciones políticas.
"Para que su economía crezca, China necesita los recursos naturales y productos agrícolas de América Latina", afirmó Shishkov.
El experto aseveró que "esta tendencia se mantendrá".
"China continuará necesitando de América Latina y su llegada a esta región no es una situación coyuntural sino un proyecto a largo plazo", defendió.
Las estrategias de la India y China
La India también desarrolla activamente su cooperación con América Latina.
Sin embargo, los expertos compararon las estrategias de China y la India en la región y concluyeron que se diferencian completamente.
"Si China se apoya fundamentalmente en compañías y bancos estatales, realiza inversiones significativas en infraestructura, la India se apoya en primera instancia en sus compañías privadas, tales como los gigantes de la telecomunicación, sin invertir grandes recursos en infraestuctura y no es activa a la hora de ofrecer créditos a los países latinoamericanos", explicó Shishkov.
No obstante, afirmó el experto, "la India es muy activa en esta región, lo cual podría parecer extraño a primera vista, ya que tradicionalmente América Latina ocupaba el último puesto en la lista de prioridades de la India".
"Pero a partir de finales de los años noventa del pasado siglo, el país adoptó una estrategia encaminada a su expansión en América Latina", indicó.
La India en apenas 15 años logró "incrementar el intercambio comercial con los países latinoamericanos hasta los 46.000 millones de dólares, mientas que a finales de los noventa era de apenas 2.000 millones".
"Se trata de un enorme crecimiento", aseveró.
A modo de comparación, Shishkov recordó que "el intercambio comercial de Rusia con los países de la región en 2015 superó por poco los 13.000 millones de dólares".
En opinión del especialista, la expansión de la India es parte de una tendencia más amplia consistente en incrementar "el papel de los países asiáticos en la región latinoamericana".
"Por lo visto, esta tendencia continuará vigente", concluyó.
Durante casi medio siglo, el mundo solo escuchó hablar de las ventajas de la apertura y el libre cambio. Este discurso adquirió toda su fuerza cuando hace 25 años se disolvió la Unión Soviética. Parecía que iban a caer todas las fronteras en un mundo hegemonizado por Estados Unidos.
Sin embargo, las cosas que nos prometen eternas también terminan. Esto ya sucedió al estallar la Primera Guerra Mundial en 1914, que puso fin a 40 años de extendido crecimiento del comercio internacional.
En un artículo publicado en The New York Times, Ruchir Sharma analiza la recurrencia de estos ciclos de apertura y de proteccionismo, y señala que no se trata de periodos cortos, sino que abarcan décadas de la historia.
La brutal contracción provocada tras el fin de la Primera Guerra y de la Gran Depresión de 1929, redujo el comercio mundial a solo un 10% del producto bruto global, cuando en 1914 era del 30%. Los inmigrantes a Estados Unidos, que llegaban al millón por año antes de 1914, se redujeron a unas pocas decenas de miles al finalizar el conflicto bélico.
Después de 1945, la rueda volvió a girar. En 1970, el comercio mundial logró recuperar los niveles de 1914 y desde entonces se duplicó, llegando al 60% del producto global.
Pero a partir de 2008, empezamos el camino inverso: el comercio mundial cayó a 55%, el flujo de capital se redujo a menos del 2% del producto bruto mundial, cuando había llegado a ser del 16% en 2007. Y la migración también se frenó: a pesar de la oleada de refugiados en Europa, la migración a los países ricos se redujo a cuatro millones de personas entre 2011 y 2015, según los datos aportados por Sharma. Antes de que Trump empiece a aplicar sus medidas, desde 2011, el número de mexicanos que se han ido de Estados Unidos ha superado a los recién llegados en 140.000.
Las dos oleadas se parecen en la enorme desigualdad que produjeron y el grosero aumento de la riqueza: entre 1870 y los años 20, el porcentaje del ingreso del 1% más rico de Estados Unidos creció hasta llegar al 20%.
"El sueño americano ha muerto. El obrero industrial de la zona central del país donde solía haber una industria manufacturera, hoy tiene una calidad de vida inferior a la que tuvo sus padres. Pero lo que más le preocupa no es su retroceso social sino que su hijo va a tener una calidad de vida inferior a la que tiene hoy. Todo lo contrario a lo que prometía el sueño americano donde las generaciones debían estar cada vez mejor", dijo a Sputnik Miguel Ponce, experto en comercio internacional.
Para Roberto Conde, antiguo vicecanciller uruguayo y experto en materia de integración, Trump recogió el voto de ese cinturón desindustrializado como consecuencia de la deslocalización de las empresas. En los últimos 25 años se han perdido unos seis millones de trabajos industrializados bien remunerados, explicó.
"La llegada de Trump al poder muestra un claro rebrote de los movimientos de desglobalización. Confirma lo que viene sucediendo en Europa con los partidos antisistema ultranacionalistas. Hoy en día tener un discurso proteccionista y aislacionista como el de Trump es un discurso antiglobalizante", dijo a Sputnik Damián Jacubovich, licenciado en geopolítica.
Trump aseguró que "ni su país ni su gente se pondrán a los pies del falso canto de la globalización". Para Jacubovich, su llegada al poder indica el "principio del fin" para los partidos tradicionales, con los que la población de Occidente siente un "gran descontento".
Las críticas de Trump al Tratado Transpacífico de libre comercio (TPP, por sus siglas en inglés), el acuerdo firmado por 12 países de la cuenca del Pacífico, fueron una de las claves de su victoria. En su discurso de aceptación de la candidatura, en junio, había dicho que "el TPP será el golpe de muerte para la manufactura estadounidense", porque "abrirá aún más nuestros mercados a los que especulan agresivamente con las divisas", y "hará más fácil a nuestros competidores enviar bienes baratos subsidiados a nuestros mercados", obligando a los trabajadores de EEUU "a competir con los de Vietnam, uno de los países con los salarios más bajos de la Tierra".
El anuncio del nuevo presidente electo, el 21 de noviembre, de que retirará a Estados Unidos del TPP, se realizó justo un día después de que el presidente Barack Obama ratificara su adhesión a este acuerdo moribundo, en la Cumbre de Lima de los Líderes del Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico (APEC).
En la declaración final de la Cumbre, los líderes de la APEC, que reúne 21 países de la cuenca del Pacífico, incluyendo a Perú y Chile, se propusieron "revertir las medidas proteccionistas y distorsionadoras del comercio, que debilitan el comercio y frenan el progreso y la recuperación de la economía internacional". Se abrazan al mástil de la globalización, ahora que la misma potencia que la expandió por el mundo, ha decidido abandonarla.
13 datos para entender el TPP al que Trump se opone
13 días después de que Donald Trump se alzara con la victoria en las elecciones de Estados Unidos, el presidente electo dijo en un video que en el primer día en la Presidencia de Estados Unidos (20 de enero 2017) revertirá el Acuerdo Transpacífico de Cooperación Económica (TPP, por sus siglas en inglés), un anuncio que no fue visto con buenos ojos por los mandatarios de los países involucrados.
Según el magnate, el acuerdo comercial es "un potencial desastre" para Estados Unidos, y que en su gestión pretende negociar acuerdos bilaterales "justos".
Durante su mensaje, Donald Trump no mencionó nada sobre modificar otro de los acuerdos comerciales que tiene Estados Unidos con México y Canadá, el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN); tras conocerse los resultados electorales del 8 de noviembre, Trump había anunciado que, como lo prometió en la campaña, acabaría con este acuerdo que está vigente desde 1994. Tanto México como Canadá han expresado su interés en modernizar el acuerdo.
El TPP fue firmado en febrero por Estados Unidos y otros 11 países tras cinco años de negociaciones y fue confeccionado para que no pueda entrar en vigencia sin la ratificación del Congreso de la mayor economía del mundo. El acuerdo fue impulsado por el presidente saliente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, como una forma de contrarrestar el ascenso de China en la región del Asia-Pacífico.
Tras el anuncio del presidente electo, Donald Trump, el presidente de Japón, Shinzo Abe, lamentó la postura de Trump, aunque Yoshihide Suga, secretario jefe del gabinete nipón, dijo que Japón planea asumir un rol de liderazgo y trabajar para que el TPP entre en vigor lo antes posible. Por su parte, el presidente de China, Xi Jinping, dijo que buscará acelerar junto a otros países la construcción de un Área de Libre Comercio Asia-Pacífico.
Xi Jinping ha impulsado su propia versión del TPP, llamada Asociación Económica Integral Regional (RCEP, por sus siglas en inglés), que excluye a Estados Unidos y es un acuerdo más tradicional, enfocado en reducir los aranceles más que en abrir las economías.
En México, el secretario de Economía, Ildefonso Guajardo, dijo tras las declaraciones de Trump que como nación soberana decidiremos si junto con el resto de los países continuamos con el TPP ya que se necesita construir un instrumento de vinculación comercial con la región Asía-Pacífico.
1. Países involucrados en el TPP
El acuerdo de libre comercio incluye la participación de 12 economías: Estados Unidos, Japón, Canadá, Australia, México, Malasia, Singapur, Chile, Perú, Nueva Zelanda, Vietnam y Brunei. Mismas que representan un mercado conjunto de 800 millones de personas y cerca de 40% del PIB mundial.
2. Lo pactado
Es uno de los tratados comerciales multilaterales más ambiciosos que se haya negociado en la historia y fija los términos de eliminación y reducción de aranceles en bienes industriales y agrícolas que se harán de manera inmediata o progresiva hasta en 16 años. En el acuerdo está prevista la apertura total en servicios (con excepción de una lista que reserve cada país) y el acceso abierto a la Inversión Extranjera Directa (con excepción de sectores reservados por cada país).
3. Las obligaciones
Los gobiernos deben garantizar las mismas oportunidades para las empresas de los países miembros en las contrataciones públicas y el cumplimiento de la legislación laboral bajo los principios de trabajo de la Oficina Internacional del Trabajo (OIT), emitir o mantener una legislación medioambiental y lo mismo con respecto a una legislación de transparencia y anticorrupción. El acuerdo obliga a sus miembros a facilitar procedimientos aduaneros y combatir el contrabando.
.@transition2017 update and policy plans for the first 100 days.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
4. Beneficios esperados por el tratado
Se trata del primer acuerdo de comercio e inversiones que establece mecanismos para garantizar que sus países firmantes mejoren su condición de desarrollo, por lo que se prevé la creación de un comité de cooperación y fortalecimiento de capacidades con el fin de promover esfuerzos para robustecer las capacidades productivas de los socios y también la conformación de un comité de desarrollo para cuidar que el pacto promueva adecuadamente el crecimiento incluyente.
En el caso de México, se ha pronosticado que incrementará las transacciones en 150,000 millones de dólares en los primeros cinco años de vigencia.
5. Reglas básicas
Los países no pueden establecer discriminaciones entre los firmantes del acuerdo. La apertura comercial y de servicios opera bajo la lógica comercial de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC), respetando los principios de trato nacional y nación más favorecida, lo que significa que las mercancías importadas de los países socios y las producidas en el país deben recibir el mismo trato.
6. El TPP no restringe políticas públicas de cada país
El acuerdo estipula que cada país se encuentre con todas las flexibilidades que garanticen el pleno derecho a establecer regulaciones internas en pro del interés público. Es decir, cada país se puede preparar internamente de la forma que deseé para recibir lo estipulado en el tratado. Se descarta que el tratado impida que los gobiernos impongan, regulaciones para inhibir el consumo del tabaco, bebidas azucaradas, entre otras y no se prohíben las expropiaciones de activos, siempre y cuando los gobiernos correspondientes acrediten un propósito público con el debido proceso y la compensación económica adecuada.
7. Se pueden incluir más miembros
Según el primer ministro de Japón, Shinzo Abe, el acuerdo es un gran logro para la región Asia-Pacífico y generará incentivos para atraer a nuevos miembros, aunque éstos ya no contarán con el privilegio de la negociación inicial del que gozaron los países fundadores.
8. Solución de diferencias
Se conformarán paneles resolutivos. Los alegatos de las controversias estarán disponibles al público de los países miembros. El panel se establecerá 60 días después de la fecha de recepción de una solicitud de consultas o 30 días después en el caso de bienes perecederos. El panel respectivo presentarán un informe inicial 150 días después de la integración del último panelista o 120 días en urgencia. El informe final se emitirá 30 días después del informe inicial y 15 días después debe hacerse público.
9. Coexistencia con otros tratados en cada país
El TPP coexistirá con los tratados de libre comercio que ya tengan entre sí lo países miembros. El acuerdo permite salvaguardas (aranceles temporales) de transición cuando el corte arancelario afecte gravemente las industrias locales de los países.
10. Puesta en marcha
En primera instancia, el acuerdo puede entrar en vigor 60 días después de que sea aprobado por firmado por los órganos legislativos de cada país países socios con el aval previo de los países socios que turnaron la firma del acuerdo a sus respectivas cámaras. Otra opción es que entre en vigor 26 meses después de su firma, si por lo menos seis de los signatarios manifiestan estar listos y representando la mayoría del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) de la región TPP. La tercera vía es que el acuerdo entrará en vigor 60 días después de la fecha (indefinida) en que por lo menos seis de los firmantes originales hayan notificado que están listos.
11. La importancia de la firma de Estados Unidos
En las cláusulas originales del TPP se estipula que para su aprobación se deberá contar con la representación equivalente a 85% del PIB de los 12 países que originalmente lo impulsaban, por lo que para contar con ese porcentaje, se requiere la inclusión de Estados Unidos. Al no contar con su participación, el texto original del TPP tendrá que regresar a cada uno de los congresos para eliminar la cláusula, a fin de que el acuerdo pueda ser aprobado.
12. Carácter político
Según el presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, el pacto evita que China escriba las reglas de la economía mundial. El TPP busca contrarrestar el peso del gigante asiático en la economía mundial y establecer nuevas reglas de funcionamiento del comercio global.
13. Beneficio para México
Como ya se mencionó, se espera que el tratado incremente en 150,000 millones de dólares el comercio de México durante los primeros cinco años y tendrá un impacto de 3.1 puntos porcentuales en el crecimiento del PIB, según los cálculos de la Secretaría de Economía. Aunque hay sectores como el textil y el de lácteos, que han advertido de la potencia de países como Vietnam y Nueva Zelanda en dichos sectores.